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Filter Result Screen

Redesigning something big


In this case study, my main goal was to enhance the Netflix search experience by introducing a search filter, aiming to help users discover content more efficiently and relevantly.

Disclaimer: This is a concept project and has no direct connection with NETFLIX. 


  • Optimize search accuracy: Enhance the search functionality to deliver precise and pertinent results aligned with user preferences.


  • Refine content exploration: Enable seamless filtering of search results based on specific criteria, including genre, content, language, and more.


  • Elevate user engagement: Foster higher satisfaction and engagement by providing a search experience that seamlessly aligns with user expectations.


  • Boost user retention: Facilitate prolonged platform usage by expediting content discovery, ensuring users swiftly find engaging content tailored to their interests.

Design Details

The original search result screen


Original Screen

Filter settings and result features added:


The original search bar was relocated from the top right to a more accessible position next to the newly introduced features, ensuring streamlined navigation and eliminating the need for users to scan the entire screen in search of the search option.


The introduction of the filter setting option resulted in the removal of the top navigation menu with multiple content options. This change was implemented to streamline user paths and enhance the intuitiveness of accessing and utilizing the filter settings.


Filter Result Screen

Upon accessing the filter setting pop-up, users can make selections and adjustments. This expedites content discovery, sparing users the need to navigate an exhaustive list of choices —    a challenge often encountered by Netflix users.


To summarize, the filter setting pop-up within a streaming platform constitutes an intuitive mechanism, allowing viewers to tailor their content exploration through precise filters across the content catalog.


Filter Result Screen
Filter Setting Pop-up

At the start of my research...


As I began my exploration of Netflix's search feature design, I initiated a thorough examination of each functionalities within various streaming services. The ultimate objective of this analysis is to identify opportunities for enhancing the search filter feature, drawing insights from the data on current competitors



  • Personalized user experience: Netflix excels in providing personalized recommendations based on viewing history and user preferences, enhancing content discovery.


  • Intuitive user interface: Netflix's clean and minimalist UI design with a focus on content visuals offers a seamless and user-friendly browsing experience.​


  • Limited search filters: Netflix's search filter options are relatively limited, restricting users' ability to refine search results based on specific criteria.


  • Lack of live TV: Unlike some competitors, Netflix does not offer live TV streaming, which may be a drawback for users who prefer accessing live broadcasts within the streaming platform.​



  • Content curation and recommendations: Hulu's emphasis on content curation and personalized recommendations helps users discover new and relevant content based on their preferences.


  • Live TV integration: With its live TV option, Hulu provides a comprehensive streaming experience that combines on-demand content with live broadcasts.​


  • User interface complexity: Hulu's UI can feel cluttered at times, with various sections and content categories competing for attention, potentially overwhelming users.


  • Limited international availability: Hulu is primarily available in the United States, limiting its accessibility to international users who may seek similar streaming services.​

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  • Premium user experience: HBO Max offers a premium and immersive user experience, focusing on high-quality content and enhanced features like interactive storytelling.

  • Curated hubs and collections: HBO Max's content organization into curated hubs and collections allows for easy exploration and discovery of content based on themes, genres, and franchises.


  • Limited content library: Compared to competitors like Netflix, HBO Max's content library may be relatively smaller, which could impact the variety and range of content available to users.

  • Less emphasis on user customization: HBO Max's UI and features may have limited customization options for users who prefer tailoring their interface to their preferences.

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  • Integration with Amazon Prime: Prime Video's seamless integration with Amazon Prime membership provides users with a comprehensive package of benefits, including access to a wide range of content and additional perks.

  • Advanced search and filtering options: Prime Video offers advanced search features and filtering options, allowing users to refine their searches based on specific criteria such as IMDb rating (web), customer reviews (web), channels, sub-genre, subtitles, etc.


  • UI navigation complexity: Prime Video's UI navigation may feel overwhelming or confusing to some users, with multiple sections and subcategories that require exploration to find the desired content.

  • Lack of personalization: Prime Video's personalized recommendations may be less refined compared to competitors like Netflix, potentially resulting in less accurate content suggestions for users.


1. Expanded Filter Options: Netflix can enhance its filtering capabilities by offering a broader range of filter options. (ratings, popularity, language preferences, runtime, and specific content attributes (e.g., awards, subtitles).


2. Sorting option: Sorting by release date, relevance, viewer ratings, or even specific search fields (e.g., titles, descriptions, actors).


3. Saved Search Preferences: Users could save their favorite filters or search queries, enabling them to easily revisit and perform those searches again without having to recreate them.

User Research

In my UX case study, I focused on evaluating the current search functionality of Netflix. The investigation aimed to identify any shortcomings in terms of precision and personalization, which may lead to user frustration and inefficiency. By conducting thorough user research, I sought to gain valuable insights into user preferences, pain points, and expectations regarding the search feature.


In this UX case study, my research played a pivotal role in shaping the development and seamless integration of an upgraded search filter. The primary objective is to elevate user satisfaction, boost engagement, and facilitate efficient content discovery across the platform.

Understand User Needs: Identify the primary goals and motivations of users when using the search functionality on Netflix. 

Gain insights into their preferences, expectations, and pain points related to the current search experience.

Identify Pain Points: Discover the common challenges and frustrations users encounter while searching for content on Netflix. 

Identify specific pain points in the current search functionality that hinder user satisfaction and efficiency.

Determine Filter Criteria: Determine the specific search criteria and filters that users desire or expect to refine their search results. 

Understand the key attributes and categories that users find most relevant and useful for their content discovery process.

User Surveys

I conducted an online survey to gather quantitative data on search behavior and preferences. The survey featured tailored questions concerning search criteria, filter preferences, and user satisfaction with the current search experience. 

User Interview

I conducted interviews with three participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of their content search experience on streaming platforms. The focus was on three key topics:


  1. ​Search and filter usage

  2. Netflix-focused search and filter experience

  3. Preferences and needs when it comes to searching for contents

Questions to be Answered

Based on the data collected from interviews, I successfully identified pain points and user preferences. These insights were then translated into "I'd like to" and "how might we" statements, guiding the subsequent steps in the design process.

Participant #1:

  • I'd like to have the ability to sort and filter content on Netflix by ratings and duration.

    • How might we improve the search and filter options on Netflix to allow users to easily sort and filter content based on ratings and duration?

    • How might we enhance the user experience on Netflix by providing intuitive sorting and filtering mechanisms for ratings and duration?


  • I'd like to be able to save my preferred filters and receive personalized recommendations based on my preferences.

    • How might we incorporate customization features on Netflix that allow users to save their preferred filters and receive tailored recommendations?

    • How might we enhance personalization on Netflix by implementing a system that saves user filters and provides relevant content suggestions based on their preferences?

Participant #2:

  • I'd like to have the ability to stack multiple filters on streaming platforms, such as combining different categories with ratings or content length.

    • How might we improve the search and filter options to allow users to stack and combine multiple filters for more precise and tailored results?

    • How might we design a user-friendly interface that enables seamless stacking of filters without overwhelming the user with complex options?


  • I'd like to see a standard QWERTY layout for the search page on platforms like Netflix, as I find the current ABCD layout less intuitive.

    • How might we implement the option for users to switch between different keyboard layouts, including QWERTY, to accommodate individual preferences and improve the search experience?

    • How might we ensure that the search interface is intuitive and efficient, regardless of the keyboard layout chosen by the user?

Participant #3:

  • I'd like to: Save and Apply Custom Filters

    • How might we enable users to save their preferred filters and easily apply them for future searches?

    • How might we provide users with the ability to create and customize their own filters, allowing for a more personalized and efficient search experience?


  • I'd like to: Improve User Interface for Search and Filter Options

    • How might we design a more intuitive and user-friendly user interface for search and filter options, making them easily discoverable and accessible to users?

    • How might we streamline the search and filter interface, ensuring a seamless and efficient browsing experience for users?

User Personas

I created two comprehensive personas that accurately captured the insights gathered from surveys and interviews. These personas were essential in gaining a deeper understanding and establishing a connection with the pain points and potential enhancements tailored to their needs.


Solution Ideation

Subsequently, my focus shifted towards resolving the issues uncovered during the user research phase. I formulated a range of features to enhance the design, effectively alleviating user pain points and catering to their preferences.

Potential features

Here is a list of potential features for categorization and incorporation into the design:

Expanded Filter Options: Netflix can enhance its filtering capabilities by offering a broader range of filter options. (ratings, popularity, language preferences, runtime, and specific content attributes (e.g., awards, subtitles).


Sorting option: Sorting by release date, relevance, viewer ratings, or even specific search fields (e.g., titles, descriptions, actors).


Saved Search Preferences: Users could save their favorite filters or search queries, enabling them to easily revisit and perform those searches again without having to recreate them.


Content Suggestions Based on Saved Search Preferences: Enhance personalization on Netflix by implementing a system that saves user filters and provides relevant content suggestions based on their preferences.


Keyboard Layout Options (mobile): implement the option for users to switch between different keyboard layouts, including QWERTY, to accommodate individual preferences and ensure that the search interface is intuitive and efficient, regardless of the keyboard layout chosen by the user.


Filter Stacking: improve the search and filter options to allow users to stack and combine multiple filters for more precise and tailored results.

Features Prioritization

Applying the MoSCoW method, I prioritized the features into distinct levels of requirement. This allows me to discern which features should be implemented immediately and which ones can be deferred for future consideration.

The project can not be complete without these:

The project can not be complete without these:

Must have

The project can not be complete without these:


Expanded Filter Options: Netflix can enhance its filtering capabilities by offering a broader range of filter options. (ratings, popularity, language preferences, runtime, and specific content attributes (e.g., awards, subtitles).


Sorting option: Sorting by release date, relevance, viewer ratings, or even specific search fields (e.g., titles, descriptions, actors).


Filter Stacking: improve the search and filter options to allow users to stack and combine multiple filters for more precise and tailored results.

Should have

Important items which add significant value but are not vital:


Saved Search Preferences: Users could save their favorite filters or search queries, enabling them to easily revisit and perform those searches again without having to recreate them.

Items that are nice to have, but that will have a small impact if left out:ct can not be complete without these:

Could have

Items that are nice to have, but that will have a small impact if left out:ct can not be complete without these:


Keyboard Layout Options (mobile): implement the option for users to switch between different keyboard layouts, including QWERTY, to accommodate individual preferences and ensure that the search interface is intuitive and efficient, regardless of the keyboard layout chosen by the user.


Content Suggestions Based on Saved Search Preferences: Enhance personalization on Netflix by implementing a system that saves user filters and provides relevant content suggestions based on their preferences.

User flow

In developing the UX case study, I crafted a user flow to assess the seamless integration of newly added features for the users.

User Flow

In my earliest approach to design ideation, the essential features involved the implementation of a supplementary side menu to accommodate the expanded filter choices.

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An Oversight

During the testing period of my hi-fidelity prototype, two out of four participants highlighted the redundancy in maintaining both the filter feature and the top navigation, as both achieved the same result.

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Hi-fidelity prototype before iteration

Filter Result Screen

Hi-fidelity prototype after iteration


Be open to changing what is necessary​

During the design process, I initially hesitated to make alterations to the website's original layout. However, I decided to remove the top content navigation bar and solely incorporate the filter settings feature based on feedback suggesting that it would simplify the user experience and provide a more direct path to accessing and utilizing the filters.


Key takeaway: Prioritize necessary changes to enhance user flow and don't shy away from modifying the original website layout to achieve optimal usability.

The next steps to take:

In order to enhance the project's scope, I propose integrating a rating system within the content title cards, allowing users to provide ratings for the content they have consumed.


Additionally, it is crucial to integrate the recently introduced filter settings and sorting options across various systems, including smart TVs, mobile apps, and more.

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