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Designing something global


In this case study, I present a startup service concept that is an accessible online platform for international language and cultural exchange.


In a language learning cognitive study, it was proved that students who learned a new language through immersion showed better results. “Hartshorne says the quiz results clearly showed that students fared better when they learned a new language by immersion.” (Ducharme, 2018).


Creating an immersive language learning environment is crucial to the progress of learners. Immersive learning can be achieved through a language exchange mobile app, which adds the factor of convenience. 

What is W.E.?

Standing for Worldwide Exchange, W.E. is a language learning tool and a cultural exchange platform in one application. My aim with W.E. is to provide users easy access to global language learning partners for immersive practice, fostering meaningful interactions that transcend borders and enhance learning experiences.

Design Details

The Connect page allows you to search for potential partners with matching language goals and interests. 

The filter feature offers a more customizable experience during your search.


User profiles include a short introduction, language preferences, interest prompts, and references.


Request messages are sent first to establish a two-way, consented conversation. 


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The references feature is particularly important to provide a safe and comfortable environment for users to connect with strangers.


The chat page includes active chats with current partners to avoid a confusing interface for users.


A search bar is provided for users to recall topics of old conversations. 


Older chats are archived and still accessible to view. 


Users can use the in-chat messaging tools to better communicate and improve each other's language proficiency.

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At the start of my research...

Knowing the competition

During the initial phase, I conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis, zeroing in on three similar products: Tandem, HelloTalk, and Idyoma. These choices formed the basis for my in-depth evaluation.

Analysis chart

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Competitive analysis chart.

I delved deep into the realm of language exchange apps, meticulously investigating their user interfaces (UI).

I aimed to grasp a profound comprehension of their distinct design styles.


Tandem has a more polished and refined look, with a lot of white space and a modern design.


HelloTalk has a slightly busier interface with more options and features, which can be overwhelming for some users.

Idyoma has a simple and minimalistic design with a profile filter layout similar to other matching apps like Tinder or Bumble.

User Research

With the groundwork laid, my focus shifted to conducting comprehensive user research, a pivotal step that would uncover the pain points awaiting resolution on the website.


I wanted to assess language learning methods and the feasibility of achieving immersive experiences through mobile apps. The objective is to develop a product that offers a convenient and enjoyable language-learning process.

1. Determine how people are approaching their language learning. 

2. Learn how familiar people are with using language learning apps. 

3. Learn what apps/products people are using to learn a new language.

4. Learn if and how people were able to have an immersive language learning experience.

           - If not, what type of immersive language learning experience would they prefer? 

5. Learn about the learning process and steps of how people would learn a new language.

User Surveys

I undertook user surveys to delve into the immersive language learning experiences and preferences of potential users. The aim was to gain valuable insights into users' perceptions and enhance our understanding of this domain.

Survey Results

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User Interviews

I conducted in-depth interviews with potential users to delve deeper into their language learning methods, providing crucial insights into their strategies and the effects of immersive techniques on their language proficiency goals.

I put things into perspective

I categorized my research data into an empathy map to pinpoint recurring pain points and uncover shared insights among language learners.

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Common Findings

  • Interviewees grapple with daily obstacles hampering their study time.

    • External accountability is deemed crucial, given the lack of intrinsic motivation. Limited study time, often due to short breaks, is a prevalent concern.

  • Effectively managing time, especially when utilizing language exchange apps, continues to be a notable challenge.

    • Alongside this, some interviewed individuals voiced apprehension regarding concurrently managing multiple platforms.

  • Immersive learning experiences were favored for fluency enhancement.

    • ​Including everyday interactions in the target country and practice with co-workers. TV shows and music also contributed significantly to this language acquisition approach. 

  • Obtaining an engaging online learning experience was challenging.

    • ​Often due to time constraints for travel or meet-ups, as well as barriers like shyness and communication frustration.

User Personas

Utilizing user personas enhances my grasp of the diverse user base and specific challenges at hand. Two personas, Ha-Joon and Alexis, both aspire to learn a language but bring distinct circumstances.


Educated primarily through text and media, he lacks confidence in spoken English.

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A teacher with a busy schedule seeks opportunities for cultural exchange interactions and to enhance her Spanish.

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Solution Ideation

At the core, W.E. is an app that connects people worldwide with the sole purpose of language and cultural exchange. 


My thought process was that by emphasizing a paramount focus on cultivating a customizable environment, users are incentivized to actively seek and establish connections with prospective partners from diverse global backgrounds.

Key Features

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List of features that were put together based on user research results and analysis.

Sitemap: I categorized the main features into four different pages that can be quickly accessed through the navigation bar.

The flow

The Connect feature on W.E. allows users to search for partners with an extensive list of customization.

Only request messages are allowed to be sent to a new partner, preventing users from getting unwanted attention for a more comfortable environment.

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User flow: how to search for a potential partner and send a request through the Connect page.

Design Goal

I want this app to strongly emphasize fostering user engagement and personalization, creating a secure environment for establishing meaningful connections. 


Unlike traditional learning applications, my design offers a remarkable feature—a platform to engage in profound conversations with partners from around the world. I think that this distinctive approach elevates the user experience to new heights, creating an immersive environment that fuels substantial improvements in language proficiency. This app's emphasis on meaningful interactions would be a game-changer in the realm of language learning.


Lo-fi wireframes: A rough imagining of the key pages and features.

Improving my designs

Following the user testing of my hi-fidelity prototype, I pinpointed significant enhancements to elevate both the aesthetics and user experience.

The iterations

The profile page requires significant iterations, notably due to feedback indicating inadequate, inconsistent, and simplistic UI elements. Additionally, users' inability to access ratings and reviews further underscores the need for improvement.


Hi-fidelity prototype before iteration

Hi-fidelity prototype after iteration

The feedback highlighted a functional issue: the absence of a quick-search bar for finding topics in previous conversations. 


Hi-fidelity prototype before iteration

Hi-fidelity prototype after iteration

The chat page UI received positive feedback for its familiar button and information placements. Yet, the in-chat tool was found to be obstructive and affecting the chat view. My goal was to reposition the tool effectively.

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Hi-fidelity prototype before iteration

Hi-fidelity prototype after iteration


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Complexity of Inclusion


As I embarked on the journey of creating a language application, I encountered significant challenges. The dynamic and ever-changing nature of language, coupled with the diverse cultural backgrounds of users, posed intricate hurdles.


To design an effective and enjoyable user experience, I realized the importance of delving deep into these complexities. By understanding the nuances of language and cultural diversity, I aimed to foster sustained user engagement in the long run.

It Takes More Than One​


My journey through language learning has been a captivating and intricate adventure, encompassing not just acquiring a new language but also immersing myself in a rich tapestry of culture and history. Along the way, I've realized that relying solely on one or a few language-learning applications won't lead me to my goals.


Instead, I've discovered that focusing on the specific pain points of a particular user niche is far more effective and in high demand. By understanding this user segment's unique challenges and needs, my language exchange app can offer a tailored and targeted experience that truly resonates with our users. It's not just about learning a language; it's about creating a meaningful and immersive language-learning journey for all.

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